Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy New Year!!!! 2010

My resolutions are off to a slow start this year. So what else is new?
But miracles of miracles, I have been painting a little again."Beach Dream" is the title of this ACEO painting.
I'm working on some other paintings and will show some off from time to time.
Back to the resolutions,I've got to up the ebay work and try to list 6 items, twice a week.Trying to save $$ for a vacation next year.
Blogging weekly or at least two times a month.Writing for ehow, joining facebook and an online class or two, should leave me no time to get into trouble.
Having a grand time with my new dog Dixie.
She can now shake and we're working on "speak", hope she's having as much fun as I am!
Next time I'll write about gardening or getting your home ready for SPRING !